15 Dec 2019

Thank You and Happy Holidays!
Our school year comes to an end this Wednesday. It has been an amazing year of learning with some real positive points of growth in the school. Our teachers and administrative staff have all worked hard to provide our students (your children) with great learning opportunities across the curriculum and even beyond and between it. Next year will continue this trend with lots of new and exciting projects already in the pipeline. We will see the development and probable completion of the oval playground project and finally the completion of stage 2 of the WestConnex project, hopefully reducing the impacts of this project on the school. Ms Salter will take over as Acting Teaching Principal for at least Term 1 next year and there will be process for the appointment of a new Teaching Principal put in place by the Director, Educational Leadership for Marrickville - Virginia Pacey.
For most of the past four years I have spent Sunday evenings writing these newsletters to provide timely news affecting the week ahead. You may notice I always write from the school’s perspective which is deliberate. It is not about me, it is about the school. This is the last newsletter for this year and last one that I will write. Thank you all so much for giving me the opportunity to be Teaching Principal of this wonderful school. The past five years has flown by, yet in some ways seems like a very long time. I have learnt so much and have tried my hardest to meet the needs of this community. Through trying times of WestConnex and the almost endless changes in road access conditions. Irrespective, the school has flourished and grown. As it should be, the focus has been on the students, your children. It’s why I love doing what I do! Thanks and I hope to visit in the not too distant future to see how you are getting on!
Botany Bites- School Canteen
Just remember that there will be no Botany Bites school canteen this Tuesday so a packed lunch will be required. With Botany Bites serving the school on Thursday’s as well as Tuesday, the first day of Botany Bites in 2020 will be Thursday 30 January and orders will be made available through the usual Flexischools app.
Last Reminder Presentation Day
A FINAL reminder that our annual Presentation Day will be on Tuesday 17 December. This is a big celebration for the school year and involves all students at the school. We would love to see you there as it is our chance to say thank you for your support in 2019. We will start at 9:20am sharp to ensure that we get through all of our presentations. See you there.
Art Show Wrap up
Thank you to everyone who came to Art Show on Thursday night. A wonderful time was had by all. The event has raised a great amount of money for the school; the total will be announced at the whole school morning meeting on Tuesday. A special mention to Kate Hafey, Belinda Doley, Belinda Rickerby and the SPPS staff for their phenomenal support.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions you would like to share with the Art Show team please fill in an anonymous survey: