St Peters Public School

Growing with Knowledge - Growing for the Future

Telephone02 9519 6307

Have your Cake and Eat It!

Child in front of playground mural

Enrolment for 2020 - Time for Action!

We had a fabulous parent informative session last Tuesday evening with 18 families who came to find out more information about the school. Dr Lavitt, Mr Park and Ms Mcintosh were joined by Luke from Helping Hands, Ms Hafey and Mclean from the P &C and Molly and Beau from the Dingoes. They all went out of their way to make this session informative and successful by showcasing what a great school and community we are. We hope to see many of those families at our Education Week  Open Day   on Wednesday 7 August.

We are aware that there are a number of parents who have children already at the school who intend to enrol their younger children who have now reached school age. Remember that you are optionally able to enrol children who turn 5 before the end of July 2020 and for students who turn six in 2020, you must enrol them next year. The process is the same for your other children as an enrolment form is required. This form is available via the school office or via the web at:

and if you live out of area, an out of area form is required, that can be found at:

It would be most helpful if this could be done before the end of this term as this allows us to process the forms and enter them into our system and before we put in anticipated enrolments for 2020, to have an accurate number.

SRC Cake Stall

The SRC are organising a cake stall to be held on Wednesday 12 June as part of St Peters Public School’s support of The Sydney Children’s Hospital. All money raised will go to the Hospital.

The SRC are very interested in raising funds for children in hospital, many of whom are going through a very difficult time in life.

We are asking for donations of cakes, biscuits and slices for the cake stall. A note will be sent home with your child this week with ideas and tips related to the cake stall as well as when and where to send cakes. All cakes must have ingredients listed and we encourage gluten free and vegan options.

In the meantime, start thinking and talking with your child about what yummy treats you could create together at home. A great opportunity to work on those mathematics skills related to measurement too!

Mystery Teacher and PB for L  and SRC Performances

As part of the well being program, Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB for L), the staff at St Peters will be launching an exciting new initiative. Starting in week 6 every fortnight a ‘Mystery Teacher’ will be selected by the PB4L team. The role of the mystery teacher is firstly, to remain inconspicuous to students and the community and secondly, be watching students through secret spot checks as to whether students are demonstrating the expectations of our PB4L fortnightly focus.  This fortnight (weeks 6 and 7) we will be focusing on movement throughout the school.

Students need to remember that the Mystery Teacher is everywhere and nowhere.

You never know when they’ll be watching! Good luck to everyone and remember to be safe, respectful learners so we can reach our goal of a science experiment afternoon for all students.

Additionally, students from the SRC will be demonstrating the rule for the fortnight at the fortnightly assembly. To ensure that students are in tune with this, we will be continuing our corridor and transition areas to the following week.