St Peters Public School

Growing with Knowledge - Growing for the Future

Telephone02 9519 6307

Picture This!

Students in the Sydney Opera House as part of a mass choir

St Peters - Term 4 Art Show

At a recent P&C meeting, in principle support for a St Peters Public School Arts Show to raise money for the school library was received. Students, parents and community members will be invited to the event where we will be selling artwork made by students, and possibly local artists. Other ideas include selling food, drinks and art making activities on the night. The event is organised by the talented Miss Davies and she needs your help to make this work. It may be that you can help with art work in class, you may know local artists who can help or you have some ideas about how we may entertain and raise money on the night.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Art Show please fill in this Expression of Interest:

Simply go to the form provided and let Miss Davies know how you can help.

EPSA e-waste Recycling

As indicated last week, the school is partnering with EPSA to provide an e-waste drop off bin at the school. We received a much smaller bin than expected but there has been very little demand to date so now is the time to place electrical items that you no longer need around the home in the bin. They are located next to the car park gate.

Book Week

This week the school will celebrate Book Week. We will be doing this through a week focus on the Children’s Book Council Award winning books, the Scholastic Book Fair and an incursion called Pick a Peck of Pickled Poems. The incursion is this Friday for which there is a small fee which is detailed in a payment note that was sent home last Monday. We have been asked about book parades. The school will no longer support book parades as it believes this places a great burden on families to locate costumes and anxiety for children who are not able to dress up. We prefer to support book week through the reading of great literature in class time and associated activities.

Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book will be held from Wednesday afternoon to Friday morning. As usual, this will be in the school library lower mezzanine level. Families and supervised children may come into the library and order items. Details of the methods of payment will be sent home tomorrow.

Well Street - Term 3 - Block 2 - Time to Book

New Term 3 Monday Lunchtime Yoga & Relaxation Classes

Classes starting 26 August 2019. Ages K-6, all welcome!

Our classes get kids moving, building their fitness, flexibility and co-ordination. We also introduce them to important breathing exercises to encourage calmness and self regulation, building their ability to deal with stress and anxiety.

This is a great way to calm and focus the kids ahead of afternoon learning!

Monday Lunchtime

26 August – 16 September 2019

4 Weeks | $40

Book here for St Peters Lunchtime Yoga Classes.

Public Speaking

This year the school will be participating again in the Metropolitan South Operational Directorate Primary Schools Public Speaking Competition. Dr Lavitt organises the competition across over 200 schools. This competition invites speakers representing their school in four ages divisions to participate in quality public speaking. Schools initially compete in Principal’s Network competitions and St Peters will compete at the Marrickville and Port Jackson combined Network Final to be held at Erskineville Public School in early term 4. We will be sending four speakers for the divisions Kindergarten, Stage 1, 2 and 3. To decide on the students representing these divisions, all students will prepare a public speech to be given in class. From this, a shortlist of high performing students will then be given an opportunity to provide an impromptu speech. This will allow the selection of four students from each division to then go to a school final to be held on Tuesday 10 September. This session will see the representation of the prepared speech plus the provision of an impromptu speech. The kindergarten public speech is set around an object that they talk about. All speeches should be persuasive and should follow some key rules. A note will be sent home tomorrow to outline what is required as well as a parent booklet which can be used to provide more information.